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22 Foods To Eat For A Bigger Butt

Want a bigger butt?

It’s no secret that diet is going to play a big part in boosting your booty. To get bigger you’re going to have to up your calorie consumption . But to get bigger in the right places… you’ll need to make sure you’re eating the right foods.

Need some guidance? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

In this guide, we’re going to run through 22 foods to add to your diet that will help you build those curves.

foods to eat for a bigger butt

But first, let’s quickly summarize the type of foods you should be eating.

What type of foods should you be eating for a bigger butt?

You want a bigger butt. That’s why you’re reading this guide.

But (we assume) you want that extra bulk on your booty to be made up of muscle, rather than fat.

So the first thing you’re going to need to do is up your protein intake.

The amino acids in protein help to repair, build, and maintain muscle. This allows your body to grow, and optimizes results (or gains) from exercise.

How much protein do you need in your diet?

Probably more than you’re consuming at the moment. But possibly less than you may read on some other guides.

In our guide to going from skinny to curvy we recommended a macronutrient balance of:

  • 30-40% of your daily calorie intake from healthy fats
  • 40-50% of your daily calorie intake from carbohydrates
  • 20-25% of your daily calorie intake from proteins

So you want around a quarter of your daily calories to come from protein.

But you don’t have to be exact here. A good rule of thumb is you’ll want to make sure each meal includes a serving of protein. We’ll give you specific food recommendations shortly.

Healthy fats and carbs

Fat used to have a bad rep, but these days it’s accepted that a decent chunk of your diet should come from healthy fats.

There are 9 calories in every gram of fat, compared to 4 calories in a gram of carbohydrate. So adding foods packed with healthy fats to your diet is a good way of upping your calorie intake, helping you gain weight.

But we’re not recommending you go the keto route. You’ll still want a healthy dose of carbs in your diet to give you the energy you need to work on those booty boosting exercise routines.

Like most things in life, it’s all about balance.

Herbs and vitamins

There are no magic foods that will instantly pack on volume to your butt. But there are a number of herbs, seeds, and vitamins that can help support growth of gluteal muscle, and stimulate (or control) hormones that help you bulk up in the right places.

We’re going to include them in our list below.

So let’s move on and look at the 22 best foods to eat for a bigger butt.

The 22 best foods to eat for a bigger butt

While this is a full list (and there’s some overlapping), we’ve semi ordered it by category to make it easier to digest (pun intended):

  • high protein foods
  • healthy, high carb recommendations
  • foods jam packed with healthy fats
  • our top veggies
  • recommended food supplements

Let’s press on with our first butt boosting food.

1. Chicken breast

chicken breast

Recommended for: protein serving
Serving size: 1 chicken breast
Macronutrients: 26g protein, 2.7g fat

Chicken breast is super lean, and packed with protein. It’s probably going to be your fall back protein serving for any meal, and of course can be prepared in numerous ways to keep it interesting.

Chicken also contains Vitamin B12, which has numerous health benefits including assisting red blood cell formation, and boosting skin, hair, and nail health.

2. Wild salmon

wild salmon

Recommended for: protein
Serving size: 1/2 fillet
Macronutrients: 40g protein, 27g fat

We recommend opting for wild salmon over farmed as it’s more nutrient rich due to the fish’s diets.

But either way, Salmon is one of the healthiest sources of quality protein and good fats. It’s particularly rich in Omega-3 which has a host of health benefits.

3. Sirloin steak

sirloin steak

Recommended for: protein serving
Serving size: 85g
Macronutrients: 23g protein, 12g fat

If you’re a meat eater, then we recommend including some red meat in your diet. It’s a great source of iron (which many US adults are deficient in), and like chicken also contains Vitamin B12.

You’re primarily going to be eating the red meat for the protein, so we’d advise going for leaner cuts of meat. An 85g sirloin steak has 23g of protein and 12g of fat, and of course you can cut off the visible fat if you want to make it even leaner.

4. Tinned, light tuna in spring water

tinned tuna

Recommended for: protein serving
Serving size: 95g
Macronutrients: 15.9g protein, 0.6g fat

Tinned tuna is a quick and easy way to get your protein fix. No cooking required, just open the can, toss it on a salad or a baked potato, and chow down on a healthy 15.9g of protein.

Unfortunately though, tuna has a drawback: it’s high in mercury. So to stay safe, we recommend sticking to the EPA guidelines of 1 serving of tuna per week.

5. Eggs


Recommended for: high protein and healthy, natural fats
Serving size: 2 large eggs
Macronutrients: 12g protein, 10g fat

With a great balance of protein and healthy fats, eggs truly are a superfood. And of course, there are a million and one ways to prepare them.

The good news is, while it used to be thought that the high cholesterol content of eggs may cause increased cholesterol in those who eat them, most recent studies have found that not to be the case.

So while you should never eat too much of any one food, eggs should definitely be a staple of your butt boosting diet.

6. Wholegrain Oats

wholegrain oats

Recommended for: high carb and protein, ideal for energy boost pre or post workout
Serving size: 100g
Macronutrients: 66.3g carbohydrate, 16.9g protein, 6.9g fat

Wholegrain oats are another superfood, with each serving packed full of slow-releasing carbohydrates and a healthy dose of protein.

Oats are the perfect pre-workout food.

The slow-releasing carbs will keep your energy levels up, allowing you to squeeze out a few more of those booty building reps in your routine, while the protein will help to repair and strengthen your muscles.

7. Brown rice

brown rice

Recommended for: high carb accompaniment to meal
Serving size: 1 cup
Macronutrients: 45g carbohydrate, 5g protein, 1.8g fat

Brown rice is the perfect high carb accompaniment to any meal. It’s a complex carbohydrate, which again, means it’s going to be slow-releasing and provide you with more energy for longer.

In addition to the healthy carbs and protein in your serving, brown rice also includes antioxidants and important minerals such as manganese, and magnesium.

And it’s also a source of Vitamin B6, which according to WebMD, can help to improve your circulation, and boost your immune system.

8. Whole wheat pasta

wholewheat pasta

Recommended for: high carb accompaniment to meal
Serving size: 1 cup (whole wheat spaghetti)
Macronutrients: 37g carbohydrate, 7.5g protein, 0.8g fat

Loaded with carbs and with a decent slice of protein, whole wheat pasta is a solid choice as your meal accompaniment.

And one thing’s for sure… you’re never going to run out of pasta dish ideas!

9. Whole milk

whole milk

Recommended for: high protein, affordable, and great balance of macronutrients
Serving size: 1 glass
Macronutrients: 12g carbohydrate, 8g protein, 8g fat

Whole milk is very much a liquid meal. It’s got a great balance of macronutrients (including 8g of protein) and is also crammed full of important vitamins and minerals.

In fact, a glass of milk contains 28% of your recommended daily allowance of calcium, 24% of your recommended vitamin D, and 18% of your recommended Vitamin B12.

We recommend drinking a glass of milk before bed, which will give your body some calories to burn overnight, and a dose of protein to help repair/grow muscle.

10. Dark chocolate (70%+ cocoa)

dark chocolate

Recommended for: a healthy treat
Serving size: 1oz
Macronutrients: 13g carbohydrate, 12g fat, 2g protein

Looking for a calorie rich, yet healthy treat? We recommend opting for dark chocolate.

While milk chocolate is mainly empty calories, dark chocolate (containing 70%+ cocoa) is — believe it or not — relatively nutritious.

It’s relatively high fat, but those fats are good ones. For example dark chocolate contains oleic acid, which is a heart-healthy fat also found in olive oil.

So enjoy a square (or even a full bar) guilt free.

11. Avocados


Recommended for: healthy fats
Serving size: 1 cup, sliced
Macronutrients: 21g fat, 12g carbohydrate, 2.9g protein

Talking of heart-healthy fats, Avocados are literally full of them. And again, the main one is the same oleic acid found in olive oil.

Indeed, the humble avocado has to be one of the healthiest foods on planet earth. Not enough potassium in your diet? An avocado has more potassium than a banana. Vitamin deficient? In an avocado you’ll get vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.

And guess what? Vitamin E happens to be one of the top vitamins for boosting butt growth.

So whether you choose to have your avocados on a slice of toast, or under a poached egg, they should very much be a part of your diet.

One last avocado fact: an avocado is a berry.

12. Natural peanut butter

natural peanut butter

Recommended for: healthy fats and high protein
Serving size: 2 tbsp
Macronutrients: 17g fat, 8.3g protein, 7.2g carbohydrate

Natural peanut butter is calorie rich and full of healthy fats.

Spread some natural peanut butter on a slice of wholemeal toast for the perfect mid afternoon snack to keep your calorie intake and energy levels up.

13. Almonds


Recommended for: healthy fats and high protein, ideal snack
Serving size: 1oz
Macronutrients: 14.2g fat, 6.1g carbohydrate, 6g protein

Nuts are dense in calories, which makes them perfect for snacking when you’re looking to put on weight.

We recommend almonds, which have a good balance of healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein.

14. Sunflower seeds

Recommended for: healthy fats and high protein, ideal snack
Serving size: 1oz
Macronutrients: 14g fat, 6.5g carbohydrate, 5.5g protein

Like almonds, sunflower seeds have a good macronutrient balance between fats, carbs, and protein.

And according to some studies, eating sunflower seeds can lower your risk of developing high blood pressure and heart disease.

Sunflower seeds also contain vitamin E, which can help to keep your skin healthy, and more importantly for us… aid in developing your butt!

15. Chia seeds

chia  seeds

Recommended for: healthy fats and high protein. Low calorie, but great to sprinkle on to meals
Serving size: 1oz
Macronutrients: 12g fat, 8.7g carbohydrate, 4.7g protein

Chia seeds may be small, but they still manage to cram in a ton of goodness.

In each tiny seed you’ll get a dose of dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and high quality protein.

We recommend sprinkling chia seeds onto salads and vegetables, or even mixing them in with your oats.

16. Spinach


Recommended for: veggie accompaniments
Serving size: 100g
Macronutrients: 3.6g carbohydrate, 2.9g protein

Our list of foods for helping you get a bigger butt has mainly focused on high calorie, protein rich foods.

But it’s important that you don’t ignore your veggies.

We recommend adding spinach to your diet as it contains a healthy dose of vitamin E (as well as a ton of other vitamins and minerals).

17. Broccoli


Recommended for: veggie accompaniments
Serving size: 1 cup
Macronutrients: 6g carbohydrate, 2.5g protein, 0.3g fat

Broccoli is a body building staple. In fact, there’s a diet that consists of eating pretty much nothing but chicken and broccoli for two weeks.

We don’t recommend that. But we do recommend you choose broccoli as one of your regular meal accompaniments.

Because it’s full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that will aid your overall health.

We’re going to finish our list with 5 supplements that can help you get a bigger butt.

18. Fennel seeds

fennel seeds

Recommended for: food supplement

Fennel seeds contain flavonoids, which are compounds known to have estrogenic properties. This can help in the formation of buttock (and also breast) tissue.

19. Watercress powder


Recommended for: food supplement

Watercress powder contains vitamin E, which as we’ve previously covered, is an important vitamin for boosting your butt.

20. Dandelion root powder

dandelion powder

Recommended for: food supplement

Dandelion powder supports growth and development of new gluteal muscle, cells, and tissue.

21. Kelp powder


Recommended for: food supplement

Kelp powder can help to lower levels of 16 a-hydroxyestrone.

22. Blessed thistle root powder

blessed thistle root powder

Recommended for: food supplement

Blessed thistle root powder helps to enhance butt size by balancing hormones and building buttock tissue.

Get SEVEN butt enhancing ingredients in one natural food supplement

Our all natural food supplement, brazilian butt boost contains eight butt enhancing ingredients, including fennel seeds, watercress powder, dandelion root powder, kelp powder, and blessed thistle root powder (listed above), as well as fenugreek extract and L-tyrosine.

Check out brazilian butt boost here.

What’s next?

That wraps it up for our guide to the best foods to eat for a bigger butt.

Looking for more advice on developing your curves and boosting your booty? Check out our guide to going from skinny to curvy in 2 simple steps.

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